A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Don't look now, the cat is eating out of the jar of honey!

Ok, I admit it...the second mountain dew was a mistake...but as a result of my mistake, there is going to be another blog tonight! (Technically it's morning, but I was pointing out to a friend a little while ago, it is commonly accepted to denote the time from when the sun sets to when it rises as night) Side notes aside, tonight's blog is going to be about one of my two favorite sisters in the whole wide world. Of course, those of you who know me know that I only have two sisters, but hey, they're still both great people so I try to make them both favorites. :)

I'd like to tell you about BomBom (sorry Emma Anne, she's older so she gets to be blogged about first =/ ). Yep, that's right. BomBom. Now, you may be thinking, holy cow, why does he call his oldest sister BomBom??!?!? (let's face it, those exclamation points are just overkill...) But I'm still going to tell you why I call my sister that. It's one of my favorite memories of her. Naturally, I have a ton of memories that are awesome and amazing and lots of good times, but this one just seems to stick with me the most (perhaps it defines our relationship as the oldest and youngest of the siblings). The story goes like this...

When I was a wee little lad (and really young), I was having trouble saying my sister's name. My sweet, kindly sister wanted to help me overcome the difficulties I was having. So, she approached me one fine day, knelt down, and said,

"Ok, say 'your.'" (since this is going on the interwebz, I am not going to use my sister's real name, but it is 2 syllables, so use your imagination)
"Your." I replied confidently. (I was so proud of myself for getting that right.)
 "Now say 'mom."
"Mom." (Oh, I'm on fire right now!)
"Now put it together and say, 'yourmom.'"
"BomBom!!" I cheerfully replied. :)

This exchange went on several times. I could pronounce both syllables of her name without difficulty. I just thought it was really funny to call her BomBom. I don't even know where I picked up that name. So, here's to you BomBom! We've had some great times over the last 22 years, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. :)

P.S. Caffeine, In N Out, and Trance make an excellent combination while writing blogs.

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