A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy THanksgiving

Turkey day and black Friday are very over, but that just means that we have a whole year to starve ourselves and pay off all the credit card debts before next year. It's a very American holiday. We work hard day after day, and then we celebrate all our hard work with 2 days of excess.

"Turkey Day"?

In other news, I was the victim of a negative stereotype today! So, cross that one off the list. I thought that being a white male would protect me from such travesties, but apparently not. I upset the delicate constitution of one of the servers at the restaurant. He started shooting off incoherent phrases and words in an attempt to make himself feel superior. And then he criticized bussers for only having grade school educations and not being able to get better jobs. Surprisingly enough, I did manage to restrain my tongue from lashing out. I understand that it's unusual for a busser at a chain restaurant to have a bachelor's degree. Of the 8 bussers employed by the restaurant, I am the only such busser. Few enough of the servers have degrees, so why would the bussers? But that's ok, his ignorance amused me, so I merely smiled at him in response. He was upset because he wasn't doing his job, and he got in trouble for it. Actions have consequences.

~The Piebald Penguin

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Punctuation Is For Noobs 44

Today we are going to have an entire post without punctuation marks it is probably going to get pretty hairy but I am convinced that it is entirely doable so here is some news that might make some of you laugh I frequently check the stats for my blog to see who is reading what and all those fun sorts of things and I discovered that someone had stumbled across my blog by searching for the keywords picture of a lame person obviously there is a reason that my blog came up when someone searched for those words although it makes me wonder does google think that I am lame are they out to get me did they believe that I needed some detractors am I getting popular enough to justify this kind of a hate crime can I sue google for said slight all these questions and more popped into my head alas we shall never know the answers to many of them however I would like to say that even if you think I am the modern paradigm of a lame person then you are still welcome to read my blog because judgment goes both ways so there watch out

The Piebald Penguin

Monday, November 21, 2011


My roommate challenged me to get my published blog posts to 150 by the end of the year. There are 40 days left in the year (34 to Christmas! plus 6), and I only have 104 published posts, not including this one. It shouldn't take a mathematician to note that should I attempt this great feat, I will need to post more than once per day. (40 days, 46 posts)

Basically, expect a lot of posts about absolutely nothing. Fortunately, I'm very good at spouting oddities and random tidbits of information. For example, did you know that 150 years ago the United States of America was on the verge of collapse? In our posh and pleasant lives today, we have trouble understanding what it must have been like to live in a world torn asunder by war on the home front. Keep that in mind as you prepare for Thanksgiving.

~The Piebald Penguin