A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Monday, September 3, 2012

Flashing Lights and Uniforms

Oh hello Mr. Police Officer! Are we breaking the law? Causing a disturbance? In need of assistance? Oh, what's that? You don't know. You didn't find out. You just kept shining bright lights at our car. Please, grow a pair and use those words you learned in elementary school. If you don't want to go to the bother of getting out of your car, then leave us alone, please and thank you.
The best part about is, I still don't know if I was breaking the law or not. I know that I wasn't causing a disturbance. I'm almost positive he ran our plates. And then he shined his brights at us for a while. Maybe as a sign that he wanted us to leave. But we were just on the street...right across from my apartment...and we aren't under 18, so there's no curfew to worry about...who knows. The police officer finally drove off, and I waved at him. Because I am THAT guy. In truth, I like waving at police officers. And I like talking to them. I think it's important to know the men and women who keep our laws. And I think it is a great tragedy that our cities have grown so big that it is nearly impossible to know the lawmen. 
Sometimes, I dream that I live in a movie. You know, the ones where bad people come to kill a random person, and that person and their significant other run for their lives and are forced to live life on the run. Or the spy, who gets burned by his country, and has to change his identity and hide. Because I feel like I want to run...but I suppose my fear of letting people down keeps me rooted where I am. So, I need a really good reason to run. Like bad people coming to kill me. My family would understand then, right? It would be easy to explain to myself. Sigh. But, I can't run, can I? I wouldn't be me, if I ran. The Piebald Penguin looks at a police officer and waves, confident that he can talk his way out of anything. I wish it always worked out that way. Actually, I wish a lot of things. But perhaps those thoughts are best not shared with random internet viewers looking for pictures of teddy bears. 
Isn't he so cute and cuddly??
ha! Oh, alright...I'll give you a real teddy bear
See, I can't even do what I said I would do. There are clearly two bears here, but I quite distinctly used the singular form of the noun. Sigh. I always complicate things.
I'm listening to a song, over and over. "I just wanna run". And sometimes, I fool myself into believing that that's what I want. But it isn't. I don't want to run. I want to stop running. I want to catch my breath, to curl up in a warm corner and sleep, to feel and be safe. I don't want to run. I will fight. Tooth and nail. Fight for it all. I'll give up all that I consider to be me. I'm just tired of running. 
Perhaps another sleepless night in seattle

P.S. I must apologize for the long post. It has been a while since I have actually felt the need to write. tl;dr : Life is difficult.

P.P.S. I also apologize for the small font. I don't know why it is so small (Bet you haven't heard that before haha), but it shows up normally in the draft editor. So...yeah...sorry....