A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Friday, July 1, 2011

Things I've Learned About the City I'm in...

1. There are trees everywhere. Like seriously, everywhere. If there's not a building, road, or parking lot, then there's a tree there. It's amazing.

2. The speed limit is not very high and everyone drives under it. It's definitely not California.

3. There is only one main freeway where I am. Again, not like California. I spend all my time driving on residential streets.

4. The state controls spirits. That means that only state-sponsored liquor stores are allowed to sell anything that's not beer or wine. And it's more expensive. Which is really sad. :(

5. The air smells different here. I don't know how to describe it. It just smells like real air....

6. There is a noisy crow that lives just outside my room. He makes a lot of noise for no apparent reason. I think he's mad that he's not human. I would be if all I could do was make loud crow noises. I would probably hate my life. But at least he lives in an awesome city. Smiley.

7. Having internet is a pain.

8. Having a GPS in my car is awesome and extremely helpful. Basically it has saved my life. Although, after having been here for only a week, I can already find my way around town.

9. I need a job.

10. I love this city.

~The Piebald Penguin

Thursday, June 30, 2011

I'm in a New City!!

Hello all! This blog post is my first post from my new city! It’s pretty exciting. Except, I don’t have internet. Now, you’re probably wondering, “Piebald, how come you can blog without the internet?” The obvious answer to this question is that I am a wizard. That’s right folks. A wizard. Not to be confused with a magician (cheap magic tricks in Las Vegas) nor a warlock (think demons). I’m a wizard. I have a staff and a pointy hat. And as a result, I can connect to the internet. Actually, I just went to my local library and got a library card and they were nice and let me use their computers for all my nefarious means. Smiley.

Back to me moving: After a long, 3 day trip from where I was, I am finally where I am now. It was an incredible trip that involved a UHaul truck that couldn’t go very fast due to the car that was being dragged along behind it. Fortunately, the truck didn’t break down and my car managed to not slide off the trailer. My roommate and I took turns driving so that we wouldn’t get too worn out, but, let me tell you, I was still definitely glad to arrive. Of course, we then had to unload the truck, which involved hauling all our furniture up a narrow flight of stairs (including a rather large couch that almost killed both of us). But we’re here and we’re settled and now I’m beginning the job hunt. Hopefully I find something soon because hanging out with my roommate is getting old really fast (I mean, when we sit around playing computer games and talking about Dungeons and Dragons rules….how can anyone enjoy that…) Smiley.

And that’s it for The Piebald Penguin. We’re supposed to get internet soon (ish).

~The Piebald Penguin