A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Friday, February 1, 2013

Close Your Eyes

Thinking about life is such a depressing activity. Mostly it's difficult right now because I'm trying to plan a surprise. It's going to be a big surprise, and, if everything works out, it will be amazing. Heck, even if only some of the planned things work out, it should still be amazing. But it's difficult because I have to keep things secret until everything is ready. I can't just say, "look, I'm doing x, y, and z, and now you can tell me how amazing I am." And it's difficult because, I am pouring so much time into this surprise that other things are starting to slip. Like my attitude. And my habits. And sleep. I was late to work a couple days ago. Like really late. But then they didn't need me at work so rushing around willy nilly to get there as fast as I could was all for naught. Oh well. Back to this surprise. It's going to be epic. I will post pictures of it at some point after it's all done, mostly because spoiling it, even in the slightest seems like a bad idea. Maybe I'm too fond of it being a surprise. Who is to say?

Yay for blogs that are mostly just rambling!

P.S. it really is going to be a great surprise.

Read about how the surprise turned out here!