A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Friday, September 2, 2011

Memoirs of an Insomniac: 4

Tonight The Piebald Penguin was very tired before the bells struck twice. This may sound amazing, but I think it has more to do with me feeling under the weather. I'm not sure what's wrong. What I do know is that I've been really spacy the whole evening to the point of feeling like I had drank a little too much alcohol. Sadly, there is no alcohol to be found in this apartment at the moment, so I can definitely rule out that possibility for my ailments.

In other news, I watched James Bond: Goldeneye a couple nights ago. It was epic. If you haven't seen it, then you need to because it is one hilarious scene after another. My favorite was when Bond got in the Russian main battle tank (or MBT, a common designation for any modern, general-purpose tank. I use this description because I am not nearly as familiar with Russian tanks as I am with American ones. If I had to venture a guess, I'd say that the tank in question was a T-72). After appropriating the tank, Bond raced after a 4-door sedan. During this awesome pursuit, Bond performed several "power slides" with this tracked (i.e. it has tracks, not wheels) vehicle. He burned rubber around several corners in an attempt to catch up with the car. Of course, we all know that the tank really would have been left in the dust. Even modern American tanks top out around 50 mph. The T-72 is listed as having a top speed of 60 km/h. I think most cars can go faster than that. But still...the movie was highly entertaining. Just don't take it too seriously. It's like any Bond movie. Lots of explosions and action. Awesome. Smiley.

~The Piebald Penguin

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Memoirs of an Insomniac: 3

The night is peaceful and quiet. Lights are dimmed, houses are silent, and children have gone to bed long ago. The Piebald Penguin (the hero of this grand tale) is up doing whatever he does when the world rests. And then, in a sudden blast of chaos and noise, a lone car raises its voice in alarm, carried by the four winds. Sadly, a car alarm at 2:24am is less than poetic. Especially when it goes on for a minute, gets turned off, then starts again. Oh, and this is the second night in a row that this car alarm has decided to vent its rage (it must be a female car). Fortunately for The Piebald Penguin, he isn't asleep during that hour.

In other news, I've been submitting a lot of online applications as of late. Which isn't news, but tonight, I encountered part of an application that I just had to share...
Ok, so let's discuss. You are either male, female, or Canadian. Yep. Enough said.

Also, there's a consistent question that the online applications ask during their questionnaire part. It goes like this:
"There are a lot of things in my life that I would do differently."

You usually get 4 choices: "Strongly disagree", "slightly disagree", "slightly agree", and "strongly agree".

The answer they are looking for is "Strongly disagree". Obviously. So I choose that option....but what if I had kissed that girl at graduation? I would definitely do that differently. Oh well. I figure the employers don't need to know about that.

~The Piebald Penguin

P.S. My friends and I played a Starcraft 2 game with none other than HuskyStarcraft himself. Granted he left after 10 seconds of gameplay, but it was EPIC. Yep.
P.P.S. For the non-nerds/"normal" people, playing a computer game with Husky is like playing a football game with Troy Aikman...or basketball with Charles Barkley...or baseball with...oh wait...no sane person with a decent IQ plays baseball...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Memoirs of an Insomniac: 2

Watching bread become toast in the oven is so entertaining. Also, toast and jam is the best late night combination ever. Except for Guinness and waffles. That one may actually be better...

~The Piebald Penguin

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Memoirs of an Insomniac

See what I did with the title there? It's almost like "Memoirs of a Geisha" ...

Except I'm not Japanese...or female...and I don't make any money. But it's almost the same thing!

Ok, not really. Although it does amuse me to analyze my own brain and the process that I go through to come up with stellar, awesome, total baller titles. Yep.

Anyways. Insomnia is no bueno (that's Spanish for good). However, last night I had a really enlightening thought while I was lying on my bed watching the clock tick away. That went something like this:

"Ugh. It sucks not being able to fall asleep. How can people just fall asleep on a whim? It's not fair. How do you fall asleep again? I think last night I might have been turned at such an angle, with such and such a feeling over my eyes, and... $&@! I give up. I'm just going to keep my eyes shut until something happens."

Usually when I'm having an especially difficult time drifting off, I try to remember how to "fall asleep". But that's part of the problem. Who remembers how to fall asleep? You kinda just close your eyes and pray that your body drifts away, right? I don't know. I've never been able to remember the exact moment that I experience a loss of consciousness. But back to my enlightening thought. I realized last night that I'm not "good" at falling asleep. Some people are. And they just do. But I'm really good at a lot of things. And I take those things for granted.

For example, the other day Goraxypox and I were chilling on the beach, when there was a little commotion behind us. We turned and saw a family with their eyes all fixed out to sea. Apparently a cruise ship and a ferry were getting "dangerously" close to running into each other. Of course, the ships were far off in the distance (isn't it amazing how the human eye can see for miles and miles?), so it only "appeared" to be a delicate situation. As I pointed out to my sidekick, the cruise ship was clearly way farther away than the ferry. I knew this because the cruise ship was obscured by the distance (you know, it's mostly a silhouette on the water, but you can still make out the shape); the ferry, on the other hand, was as clear as day, meaning that it was closer to us. Being that the ferry wasn't too terribly long, the conclusion must be that the ships are not really close to each other. Goraxypox was quick to point out that, to him, both ships were blurry and obscured due to the distance. He's a near-sighted nerd who broke his far-sighted glasses and hasn't replaced them. So he can't see as well as me.

My vision is just one of those things that I've taken for granted. People talk about how they can't even distinguish faces up close without corrective lenses and the like. But I've never experienced that. So, maybe it's just as frustrating for them to not be able to see, as it is for me to not be able to sleep. Fortunately, last night was relatively peaceful. I managed to fall asleep just before 5am, and I didn't wake up until 9:30! Woots!
I'm jealous...of the sleep, not the man...

~The Piebald Penguin