A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The One Where We Experience Alcohol...

People drink for a variety of different reasons. Some drink to run away from pain. Others drink because they enjoy the inhibition-less version of themselves. Then, there are those who drink because it's what everyone else is doing. Usually, I drink for the experience of drinking. Not only do I try new drinks in an attempt to expand my palate (which is unusual because I am notoriously a picky person who is afraid of trying new things), but I also drink to experience a different side of life. I suppose that latter reason would put me close to the category of drinking because I like the me that has less inhibitions. Mostly, that's because normal me is a very cautious, frugal, and stodgy person. But put a little alcohol in my system, and I am a considerably more amiable individual. Not only am I more friendly, but I also tend to be more open and honest in conversations. So, if any of you want to know secrets....I'm one of those noobs who will give away secrets if you put alcohol in my system. Which brings up an interesting topic. And that is: What does alcohol actually do to a person's body? In my [almost] expert opinion, alcohol (I keep misspelling that word.) simply clouds the brain's inhibitors. (at this point The Piebald Penguin hit the vodka a bit too hard and lost his train of thought...)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The One Where We Revisit Emma Anne

So, I've got this one sister....and she's basically awesome. I don't know how else to say it. A constant source of support, an infinitely deep foundation, an incredible encourager, a wise woman...and she dropped me on my head when I was a baby. That's right, you heard what I said. If you were ever wondering why I'm so strange (and by strange, I mean smart, funny, gifted in academics, incredibly good-looking, fashionable, social, and all that jazz) well, that's the reason. Really, everyone's big sister should drop him on his head when he is a child (by the way, I usually use the masculine pronoun to refer to the neuter case because, honestly, using him/her, or him or her, is a ridiculous waste of words. And don't get in my face about it if you're some weird feminazi. It's not worth getting in a fight about and, ultimately, you know that it's the proper way to do things).

But I don't really want to talk about Emma Anne dropping me on my head as a child. It wasn't her fault...(that's a blatant lie, really...but at least I admit it, right? That's got to count for something) What I do want to talk about is Emma Anne. I recently had the pleasure of spending a couple hours with her and Superman (her husband). They are simply delightful people to be around. By the time I arrived at their house, their kids had been put to bed, and they were just waiting to hang out with me. They made me dinner. It wasn't anything super fancy, just a toasted roast beef (I love beef) sandwich. But it was special. You know why it was special? Because it came with a side of time spent with Emma Anne and Superman. That made it a fantastic sandwich. In my earlier years (i.e. everything up until the last couple months), I took my relationship with my sister for granted. She's my sister, and that meant that she was usually around to talk to, complain to, and spend time with. But that was just it. She had to do it because she was my sister. When I would come home for my breaks, I would spend an afternoon or evening with her, and the rest of the time was spent with my friends. I regret this. Not because I hate spending time with my friends, but rather because spending time with her is something to be sought after. Not only that, but she likes spending time with me. Which is something that I always knew, but again, took for granted. Of course she likes spending time with me, I'm her brother. But she "gets" me. She knows who I am. Even if I don't always keep her updated with all the little details of my life (I really do try though...) she still knows the part of me that hides behind the mask. I think it's a well-established fact that there is a special bond between siblings, and it's my opinion that this is part of what makes it special. I can act as mysterious and enigmatic around my friends, be someone who I'm not. I can hide behind a mask all I want. But when I spend time with my sister, it all fades away. There is no mask. She's stuck with me. Just me. And she still chooses to be seen in public with me. Because we're not just friends. We're siblings. And I love her. Thanks for being awesome Emma Anne.

It's true, my ears stick out. But I have an elephant tie...so there.

~The Piebald Penguin

P.S. If you missed my last post about Emma Anne, click here.

The One Where We Chase Horizons

Let it be known, here and now, that The Piebald Penguin loves chasing the horizon. Not only do I appreciate the individual words that make up a beautiful word picture, but I also enjoy physically chasing the horizon. It's adventures with a little buckling and a lot of swashing. Sails up and all ahead full towards the elusive creature that is the horizon. I packed up all that I own and threw it in my car (known affectionately as Hulk Jr.). He sure is a trooper, carting all my junk across a barren and sun-swept desert. Currently, I'm back home with my family, but that's only for a limited time. In just a few short days, Lord willing, I will loading up a U-Haul truck and driving north-by-northwest. I'm moving to a land flowing with milk and honey (well, ok...it's really flowing with water...lots of water....but it's the same thing to me). My soon-to-be roommate and I are still waiting to see if we get approved for the apartment we applied for. You see, he's a drug dealer, and kinda a really shady character. I'm hoping that my outstanding virtues can cover his exceptional vices enough to get us approved. We may have to bribe the manager...or make her...tea. Of course. (you were thinking I was going to say something else...right?? But I'm perfect. I don't do awful things like that...) Ok, ok, it's nothing as bad as that. My roommate really just turned in his application recently, so it hasn't even gotten to the manager yet. Anywho, that's a brief update on the crazy, hectic, super-busy life of The Piebald Penguin. <-SARCASM

Here's a brief snippet from my upcoming current event:
People complain about TSA checking them for bombs in an airport, but they don't care that the police are allowed to give you a ticket for not wearing your seatbelt?

~The Piebald Penguin