A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Friday, November 11, 2011

If You're Crazy and You Know It

While browsing for new books in a popular bookstore, I discovered a little hidden gem amongst the shelves. This gem is the section called "Paranormal Teen Romance". Yep, that's right. It's so popular it has its own section now. But here's my question: Does this imply that teen romance is or has ever been "normal"? Maybe I'm over-analyzing this, but I really can't recall knowing what "normal" romance was until I got out of my teens. Not that matters of the heart can ever be classified as normal, but at least they are more normal than teens making a go at romance. Anyways, the section is full of a certain popular vampire-human-werewolf love triangle series (among other works of undoubtedly equal literary quality).

In other news, today is 11/11/11. Which I suppose is significant. Mostly because its Veterans' Day, but I suppose some people think that today is special in some way. It amuses me to no end how we learn about the superstitions of our ancestors and dub them as fanciful or ignorant folk. Yet, after checking my Facebook newsfeed, I simply must ask the tough question: Are we so different from humans in ages past?

The World Is ENDING! Oh, wait...wrong date...

~The Piebald Penguin