A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Elmer's Press and Punches from the Sun

I was driving to work the other day, and I had the pleasure of pulling up behind a moving truck that had definitely seen better days. It was a rental truck from a small company that I didn't recognize. Fortunately, it had an advertisement for itself on the truck. So I took a picture.

Really, I just love the URL. Because you know that it's supposed to be "Elmer's Express", but since URLs don't have punctuation, it looks like "Elmer Sex Press". It made me laugh.

Oh, and in other news....there was supposed to be a large solar storm yesterday. A solar flare erupted on the surface of the sun on Sunday sending a whole lot of radioactive particles toward the earth. The radiation was supposed to disrupt GPS systems and other communications, but I didn't really notice anything odd. Still, an interesting thing to note is that the earth has a fairly good defensive barrier that protects all us pathetic life forms from all this nasty business. Something to be thankful for.


Memoirs of an Insomniac: 6

"The Sun goes down, the stars come out..." Unless you're The Piebald Penguin...in which case there should be an additional phrase: "and the stars faded in favor of the light from the burning sunrise." Or something like that.

Do you ever say something (whether verbally or in written form) and then instantly regret saying it? And then spend the next half an hour trying to explain why you said what you said, when the answer should have just been "yes" to begin with? Dwelling on such thoughts seldom return a positive yield, yet such thoughts are what keep me awake into the wee hours of the morning. You know the sad thing about all this? It doesn't even really matter. I mean, not in the long run. Probably not in the less-than-long run either. It is what is.

It's the small things that make or break the day. I like to think that I deal with most day-to-day stress decently well because I am pretty good at taking pleasure in the small things. Like drinking cheap grape soda. Or, when I'm at working, helping a server who's nice to me. It's these small things that get me through each day. The placement of jacket next to mine, a parked car. I think it helps that I like symbols. Even if no one else sees life the way I do. I like to find the hidden meaning in something. More importantly, I like to have a hidden meaning behind my actions. Which is not a segue into my next paragraph...

My manager asked me a great question at work today. I was doing my job, bussing a dirty table and setting silverware on it, when my manager turned away from her previous conversation and said, "Piebald, you're still here?" I looked at her, then down at myself, and then back at her, and then back at myself again. And I replied with (something to the effect of), "Uh...." But my thought process was something like this..."Of course I'm still here. Where else would I be? I think the fact that we're having this dialogue is indicative of the answer to your question. I am physically present, yes...but mentally I'm elsewhere. Are you blind? Yes, I don't leave without permission, and you have yet to provide me with said permission." It was a silly question. Who did she think I was? Probably Tadpole (that's not his name...but it is an anonymous blog for a reason...) Tadpole frustrates the managers because he sometimes leaves without making sure it's ok with the managers. Oh Tadpole. He's quite the character. He's likeable enough, but he isn't really very good at his job. Which is slightly infuriating because it's not a difficult job. But if he doesn't do his work, then those of us who work with him have to pick up his slack. Because it looks bad on all of us. So, really, we should be able to fire/hire people. If we're going to get flack for having a weak link, then we should be able to break that link and reforge the chain...hopefully stronger than before. I suppose that's essentially social evolution.

After spending fifteen minutes looking through lolcats picutres, this is the one I decided on. Because it's awesome. Yep.
~The Piebald Penguin