A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Things I've Learned About Being A Roommate

1. Having my own room is nice. (The last 4 years I've shared a room with one guy or another)

2. Knowing your roommate before moving in with him is a big plus.

3. I've tried to teach my roommate to be a winner, but he continues to lose at his computer games...I guess awesomeness doesn't rub off...

4. It's easier to talk via "Ventrilo" (a computer voice-chat program) than simply shouting. So, while both our doors are wide open, we communicate by talking to each other through our computers.

5. Lacking a television, opening the blinds and people-watching has become one of my pastimes, especially during dinner.

6. Lacking a table, the couch has become the place to eat meals. We turned it towards the windows so we could sit, eat, and watch people all at the same time. Multitasking for the win.

~The Piebald Penguin

Monday, August 15, 2011

I Had A Dream...

I had a dream last night that was nearly a nightmare. You see, in the dream, I had arrived back on campus for my last semester of college. Yet, I could sense that there was something wrong with that picture. I found myself in the cafeteria, wandering about and letting people cut me in line. Then, I remembered that I would need a job to pay for all my expenses. So, I tried talking to the cafeteria ladies about hiring me. They weren't helpful.

The realization that I had moved down to college with nothing, save for the clothes on my back, and had no place to stay came next. I made my way to the library, where I used to work, hoping that they would hire me. But they couldn't because I didn't have a work study award.

I was becoming increasingly worried about my semester when I discovered that I didn't even know which classes I needed to sign up for. I racked my brain trying to remember what I hadn't finished in the previous semester but to no avail.

I think that was the straw that broke the camel's back and woke me up. I was safely tucked away in my bed. But it took me several seconds before I remembered that I had, in fact, graduated this past semester. Perhaps my mind is trying to tell me that it misses college life. Alternately, I could just be slipping further and further down the crazy train.

The Piebald Penguin on day 1 of his college career
~The Piebald Penguin