A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Dear readers,

I must apologize for the last two months (or more) worth of blog posts. Not only have they been inconsistent, but they have not been nearly as funny and light-hearted as I would have liked. One of my original goals with this blog was to bring levity to a world that is way too serious about itself. In order to rectify this problem, I ask that you watch the video posted below. My friends and I do like to have on occasion...

Perhaps you just had to be there...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Diet of a Bachelor

Tonight I have a very special topic to discuss with you, fair readers. That topic is diet. Specifically, the balanced diet of a bachelor.

Now, my readers are undoubtedly not all bachelor's so there will be some explanations to compliment the list.

1. Beer (A bachelor's house without beer is a sacrilege to mankind. It is necessary.)
2. Beef (Beef is the staple meat that every man must, by his nature, love. Other meats are good too, but beef is foremost among them. A man cannot live long without the succulent flesh of a dead cow.)
3. Pasta (Pasta covers everything else that the man needs to eat. Why? Because it's incredibly cheap and easy to make. Water, milk, butter, and the box of pasta. It may not be the most substantial meal ever, but it does the trick in a bind.)

That's it. Soda is good if you're a computer gaming nerd/geek bachelor (most bachelors fall into this category by definition). However, it is secondary to beer as liquids go.

I am so glad I don't have that many crazy women chasing me. Being a bachelor has its perks. :)

I hope this can be used to enlighten the world to the life of a bachelor. Also, should you be looking to send me gifts, for whatever reason, these things will always be at the top of my list...so now you know!

~The Piebald Penguin

Monday, July 25, 2011

Call Me Crazy

The Adventures of The Piebald Penguin: Part 1 (4?, 5?, 6?)

The Piebald Penguin and his faithful sidekick, Goraxypox, went to a small pizzeria a few nights ago. Obviously to eat pizza. It's nice having a sidekick who likes pizza almost as much as me. Anyways, we went exploring (on Google) and found a place that got good reviews. We gathered our energy for the great trek to the car (almost gave my sidekick a heart-attack...too much exercise for one day), then launched ourselves onto the state road. After a short, uneventful drive (I managed to make all the correct turns!), we arrived at our eatery, got a table and began looking at the menu. Like any good sidekick, Goraxypox let me decide what we would be eating that evening. However, before I could decide, our waitress showed up. Let's just be modest and say she was attractive. Harmless flirting ensued between our young superhero and the super-waitress. I ordered a Barcelona pizza (Canadian bacon, pepperoni, and salami) for the both of us and a beer (Mack and Jack) for myself. Sadly, I didn't build up the courage to ask for number, but I was close. If I hadn't started spilling things over myself and acting like a fool (a common occurrence around pretty girls), then maybe things would have been different.

Stay tuned for more adventures from The Piebald Penguin and his sidekick Goraxypox!


Left to right: Spiffinator, The Piebald Penguin, and Goraxypox (assuming we were...you know...superheroes).