A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Sunday, March 6, 2011


With a sickening crunch, they hammered into one another. Metal and rubber screeched in agony, like a bird felled from the sky with an arrow. The two had become one as the glass shattered and skittered across the earth. Spinning wildly, madly, the stressed joints screamed as one with a voice as loud as the roaring of the great waterfalls. The asphalt was torn asunder as the ungainly beast erratically skimmed and skipped and bounced across the surface. The paint was shorn off as contact with the steel rail was made. The rail bent, groaned, and snapped as the momentum carried it forward. Chaotic and insurmountable, the edge of the precipice was advanced upon, its guardian already conquered. And then, with a sudden lurch, that too was defeated. Silence reigned as the wounded beast plummeted to the welcoming earth far below. Its blood red paint, drawn at such a dreadful cost by the rail, and the destroyed pavement were all that remained, silent witnesses to the viciously swift attack. With a sickening crunch, the beast was driven into the unrelenting land. 

Silence reigned Supreme.