A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue...

If you were to meet the Piebald Penguin today, you would see a confident, cool, collected, suave, sleek, and sexy young man. In fact, he's so sleek and suave that a representative for Porsche called last week asking if they could use his name for their newest sports car line. When he walks into a room, the women turn and stare, all holding their breath to avoid missing even the slightest sound from him. Women faint when he turns his ocean blue eyes on them. That's the Piebald Penguin today. But tonight, I am going to tell you a story that is almost unbelievable. It's hard to believe, but this amazing man (who likes rescuing puppies, long walks on the beach at sunset, and romantic, candle-light dinners for two) was just a young boy, once. He had to grow up and learn the hard way. 

Once upon a time, there was an inexperienced boy on the cusp of manhood. This boy had previously been uninterested in pursuing girls...not because he didn't like them, they simply weren't mature enough for him. You see, the hero of our story was hailed by all as a mature, wise young man, well ahead of his peers. There came a day in our young hero's life when he found what he sought. A girl who, on the outside, appeared to be more mature than the rest. He liked the sparkle in her eyes, and a spark in her mind. The school that both of our characters attended hosted a homecoming banquet and dance during the fall semester. Our brave and bold protagonist worked up his courage and approached the girl. His approach was clever and cunning. Notes in calligraphy and baked goods. Alas for our poor hero, the girl saw fit to ruin his day. She rejected his proposal outright. She wanted to go with one of her female friends. Our hero was crushed but managed to fight on. And thus ends the story of the Piebald Penguin's first experience with asking girls out. He has learned a great deal since then.
 ~The Piebald Penguin