A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Snarky Snakes and Sounds of the Sound. Also, Sexy Nerds

Blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog

blog blog




So...I was reflecting on blogs this evening (CRAZY, right?). I decided that my blog is what it is. It used to be sleek and sexy and all kinds of organized and thorough and thoughtful (an organized nerd is basically the new athlete on steroids. It's hot. And it's cheating)

Anyways....what was I talking about? Oh yeah, my blog. Or maybe I was just talking. I think it was probably just the latter. Or was it the ladder? an adder on a ladder. A ladder adder. Would he become a madder ladder adder if we asked him to subtract?
RAWRRRRRRR (snakes say rawr, right? I'm pretty sure I read that in a book one time)
So, we have a madder ladder adder, but what if it was the latter and not the ladder. In which case I would say "splatter the latter and flatter the hatter will be." Ha. Ha. Ha. Ok, my jokes may be as awful as they sound, but... Sounding sounds on the Sound sends sounds southward. Or something. The best part about this is: I'm just making this up as I go. I didn't plan to write a post today. I definitely didn't plan to be in a corny or cheesy (or weird) mood today. But here we are, talking about sounds and snakes. Oh, picture of the Sound
I can't take credit for this picture. I do have my own pictures of the Sound and the Space Needle, but they are on my phone. I am way too lazy to move them from the phone to the computer. Seriously, sending myself an email? So much work. Also, if you hadn't noticed, I'm hoping to win an award for the longest photo caption on a blog with the name Piebald Penguin in it. So far, this is the only caption in the running. But there are bound to be others. At some point. You know, for competition's sake.

Ohhhh! I just had a great idea. I'm going to hold a competition on my blog. I'll be the judge. There will be several different categories. And my previous blog posts will be the things involved in the competition. Yeaahhhh boiiiii (for some reason, unintelligent people spell "boy" as "boiii" when writing out "yeah boy". It seems...unnecessary. But who am I to judge? Unless we're referring to my new competition. In which case, I am the only one to judge! I am THE JUDGE. That is all)
