A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Friday, March 29, 2013

Do Forget to Write

I started a fire in my kitchen today.

While your first thought was hopefully something along these lines...

It was really even less exciting than...

Oh, it was intentional too. I should probably mention that before I get like a bajillion (scientific term for "a lot") phone calls.

So let me tell you the story. Today, I finally had the energy to clean my room (which is cool and awesome and yay clean rooms!). During said cleaning, I found many interesting things such as:

1. The Christmas presents that I bought for my oldest sister and then forgot to send to her. On an ironic note, I promised her that I would get them to her before Easter...

2. A bunch of fortunes from Panda Express fortune cookies. Apparently, I like to put them everywhere but the trashcan, where they belong.

3. One very official-looking card thingy that turned out to be my dad's baptism card. I have no idea how it got here, but it is probably something that I should return to him. Naturally, rather than sending him a message informing him that I will mail said card back to him, I have decided to publicly post about it on my "anonymous" blog for everyone (including him) to see.

4. 9 empty glasses, 5 dirty plates, 15 empty bottles/cans, and a stack of napkins. So...yeah, that's like half of our glasses and plates. I was wondering why it seemed that we were so short of those things recently.

5. Books everywhere! I thought the fortunes were everywhere, but I was wrong. I have, apparently, stashed books in every nook and cranny possible. Of course, I'm sticking to the belief that there is a book gnome, who steals my books and hides them from me.

6. Two cards, Christmas cards to be exact, from a person I am not allowed the luxury of caring about anymore. They are now dust and ash in a dumpster. And it felt good to watch the yellow-blue flames lick around the edges of the paper. I watched as the glittery decorations on the front bubbled and melted. I swept the remnants of a happier time into a plastic bag and tied it shut. It was cathartic. I have found peace for tonight.

Also, over the last week, I have finished five novels (the shortest being roughly 400 pages and the longest well over 1200) and a lengthy atlas on Armored Warfare. I haven't read so much in such a short time in a very long time.

~The Piebald Penguin