A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Monday, April 1, 2013

April, That We May Fool Ourselves Into Believing The World Is As Simple As We Want It To Be

Official Disclaimer: This post has been flagged by The Piebald Penguin as a good-natured joke. Smile. And laugh. For it will keep you young.

"From each according to his [or her!] ability, to each according to his [basically it means "her"] need(s)."

~Karl Marx

Liberty may be a lady, but we know that freedom is not free. It was made for with the blood of men.

Thank you Karl. He hit the nail on the head. Men work, and women spend our money. Obviously, we know that in a perfect world, this is the ideal situation. However, in this world, women tend to spend too much. Self control. That's really what it's about. I believe that we need to quit fooling ourselves. We need to start a war for self control. To bring freedom to everyone. We, men, need to unite today, 1 April 2013, and fight against the tyranny of out of control women. We spend so many hours, each and every day, trying to provide, but in one night of shopping, the women just throw money out into the air. I implore you, men of this world, to stand firm today and help teach women the self control that they lack. We have the ability to teach by example. We just need to be more open about our desires. No more selflessness from us. Fight. For FREEDOM!

This message is sponsored by the Men for a Freer America Foundation
*no animals were harmed in the making of this blog
**although some women may have been harmed

~The Piebald Penguin

1 comment:

Emma Anne said...

Bwahahahahaha!!! Nice.

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