A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy THanksgiving

Turkey day and black Friday are very over, but that just means that we have a whole year to starve ourselves and pay off all the credit card debts before next year. It's a very American holiday. We work hard day after day, and then we celebrate all our hard work with 2 days of excess.

"Turkey Day"?

In other news, I was the victim of a negative stereotype today! So, cross that one off the list. I thought that being a white male would protect me from such travesties, but apparently not. I upset the delicate constitution of one of the servers at the restaurant. He started shooting off incoherent phrases and words in an attempt to make himself feel superior. And then he criticized bussers for only having grade school educations and not being able to get better jobs. Surprisingly enough, I did manage to restrain my tongue from lashing out. I understand that it's unusual for a busser at a chain restaurant to have a bachelor's degree. Of the 8 bussers employed by the restaurant, I am the only such busser. Few enough of the servers have degrees, so why would the bussers? But that's ok, his ignorance amused me, so I merely smiled at him in response. He was upset because he wasn't doing his job, and he got in trouble for it. Actions have consequences.

~The Piebald Penguin