A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Public Education (the beginning)

So, I'm really bad at updating my blog now. It's December 7th, which means I have 24 days to write 40+ posts (ok, I think it's 42...but I don't actually remember. And yeah, I could check before posting this, but where's the fun in that?)

I do realize that I probably won't get to that magic 150 prior to the end of the year. Still, I must press on. I was shown a video recently by a friend. The video was of interest due to its focus on the current problems in the education systems of countries like the US. More specifically, the lecture was critical of public education and how it has negatively affected our society. Before I continue, it might be helpful if you watch the video by clicking here. The video is nearly 12 minutes long, but it is full of content, so it tends to fly by.

Ok, if you watched the video, then you've probably begun forming an opinion about the topic. I want to give myself time to process my response more fully, and I plan on devoting an entire blog post to it tomorrow. But I want to give you, as readers, the opportunity to form opinions without my own personal views interfering. However, I will say that I find myself in agreement with Sir Robinson.

Winter is Coming!
~The Piebald Penguin