A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Monday, July 25, 2011

Call Me Crazy

The Adventures of The Piebald Penguin: Part 1 (4?, 5?, 6?)

The Piebald Penguin and his faithful sidekick, Goraxypox, went to a small pizzeria a few nights ago. Obviously to eat pizza. It's nice having a sidekick who likes pizza almost as much as me. Anyways, we went exploring (on Google) and found a place that got good reviews. We gathered our energy for the great trek to the car (almost gave my sidekick a heart-attack...too much exercise for one day), then launched ourselves onto the state road. After a short, uneventful drive (I managed to make all the correct turns!), we arrived at our eatery, got a table and began looking at the menu. Like any good sidekick, Goraxypox let me decide what we would be eating that evening. However, before I could decide, our waitress showed up. Let's just be modest and say she was attractive. Harmless flirting ensued between our young superhero and the super-waitress. I ordered a Barcelona pizza (Canadian bacon, pepperoni, and salami) for the both of us and a beer (Mack and Jack) for myself. Sadly, I didn't build up the courage to ask for number, but I was close. If I hadn't started spilling things over myself and acting like a fool (a common occurrence around pretty girls), then maybe things would have been different.

Stay tuned for more adventures from The Piebald Penguin and his sidekick Goraxypox!


Left to right: Spiffinator, The Piebald Penguin, and Goraxypox (assuming we were...you know...superheroes).