A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tales of a Toilet

I know I'm going to offend people by what I say next, but that's not going to stop me from saying it.

There once was a movement known as feminism. Among other things, feminism supported the empowerment of women. This movement is partly (partly and only partly) responsible for the destruction of the family unit, which in turn is responsible for the colossal economic problems of today. Now, this is not solely the fault of the feminist (I won't go that far), so I'll let them off the hook for me not being able to get a job. What I want to understand is this. Why are women so greedy and lustful for power? In my opinion, they already have more power than any other group of people in the universe. Do you know why? No? (At this point, I don't blame you for being too upset with me to think about this topic...women are controlled by their emotions (sarcasm))

Let me tell you a story, then to prove my point. Once upon a time, there lived two young men. These two men decided to leave their ancestral homes and travel to a faraway city. They found a place to live there and were happy. As the days and weeks went by, one of the young men noticed an odd trend. This discovery happened in the single bathroom of the residence. As the young man walked in, he saw that the toilet seat and cover remained in the downward position. This made him ponder the strangeness of the situation. Why would two men (and no women) have a need to return the toilet seat to the downward position each time after use? It would make more sense to leave it in the upward position. And then the young man remembered. He left the seat down because that's how he had always done it. He had been brought up knowing that the toilet seat must be returned to the downward position. Would you care to take any guesses as to who was responsible for teaching him that? (Hint: IT WAS HIS MOTHER)

In my mind, that's power. Power to shape the world. Raising children should not be considered a burden for a mother. It should be an honor. Because, if done properly, that child will grow up and remember all those things his mother taught him. And that's how you change the world.