A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sleep When You're Dead

Simply sleeping seems sadistic since sadness saturates suspended sensibility.

Nightmares negate nasty nuisances necessitated by needless nettling of the neurons.

Well, nightmares and just plain not sleeping. Those seem to be the best answers to the problem of good dreams. And for those of you who don't understand what I'm getting at, let me explain. Dreams are annoying to have. When you have a good dream, you wake up happy, ready to conquer the world. Those are the days when you are constantly reminded that you are fallible in every way, shape, and form. That results in a difference of expectations. Your mind spends 7 or 8 hours (or 10 if you are one of those people) telling you that you can accomplish things (because in a dream, you can). But then you wake up and discover anew that you can't control everything. And sometimes people just let you down. As such, it's better to have nightmares. You wake up and know that your day cannot be any worse than your night was. So, lower expectations result in increased enjoyment of life. This also works, generally, with anything. Don't expect anything from anyone, and people will constantly amaze you.

~The Piebald Penguin