A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Signficance of the Number 35

Exactly five weeks from this hour, the Piebald Penguin will be standing on a football field, surrounded by his friends and family. Goodbyes will be said, times will be reminisced, and pictures will be taken. It's a major crossroads in my life. The end of an era. The beginning of the next segment of my existence. A chance to start fresh, as I reintegrate myself into society. It will be a bittersweet moment in my life. The sweet freedom of being truly on my own, ready to take on the world, cannot be denied. At the same time, I will be leaving the majority of my friends, colleagues, and acquaintances behind. It's that kind of moment that makes you wish for a thousand more days to spend time with your friends. Four years is a long time. College life lends itself towards unique friendships. You live in close proximity to a lot of people; you eat meals together in the caf; you see each other in your 8am classes. Getting to know my friends, sharing my life with them, has been one of the greatest joys of my life. Truly. I love my friends. So, while I'm excited to go off and conquer the world, I am reluctant to leave the people I know. But, whether I want to or not, 5 weeks means 35 days. 10 of those are weekend days. 2 are days we have off class. The last 5 comprise finals week and graduation day. That means that there are a measly 18 days of actual class left. It seems that whole weeks go by in a single blink of the eye. We are rushing towards the end like a train without breaks.

~The Piebald Penguin