A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Memoirs of an Insomniac: 8

What is life save for a mess of experiences and challenges to be overcome? I am fond of saying that we live and learn. Few things are truer than this. As life progresses, we learn who we are and of what we are capable. In all things, we are capable of great hurt to others or great kindness. And these are the lessons that everyone must learn. It is, quite frankly, what the concept of maturity revolves around. Human to human and human to environment, a mature person learns how to interact with his (or her!) surroundings. When not to hold the tongue or turn off the faucet. When a soft word will solve a problem that an angry word would merely inflame.

Maturity and responsibility seem to come later in life to some than to others. Perhaps those people merely experience less in the same amount of time, so it takes them longer to learn their lessons. Or, perhaps some are more sensitive to the lessons that need to be learned. This is, in my opinion, closer to the truth. But who is to say?

Speaking of maturity and responsibility...guess who has to be up in 5 hours for a 10-hour work day?!?? (at this point The Piebald Penguin dissolves into a fit of hysterical laughter and points at himself...)

This is not The Piebald Penguin at work. The Piebald Penguin is waaaayyyy better looking. And he doesn't have the luxury of sitting down at work. Because that's nonsense. Everyone knows that it's healthy to stand on your feet for long periods of time. It builds character. The Piebald Penguin has lots of that already, but the more the merrier, right?
Go to sleep!
~The Piebald Penguin