A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Monday, August 15, 2011

I Had A Dream...

I had a dream last night that was nearly a nightmare. You see, in the dream, I had arrived back on campus for my last semester of college. Yet, I could sense that there was something wrong with that picture. I found myself in the cafeteria, wandering about and letting people cut me in line. Then, I remembered that I would need a job to pay for all my expenses. So, I tried talking to the cafeteria ladies about hiring me. They weren't helpful.

The realization that I had moved down to college with nothing, save for the clothes on my back, and had no place to stay came next. I made my way to the library, where I used to work, hoping that they would hire me. But they couldn't because I didn't have a work study award.

I was becoming increasingly worried about my semester when I discovered that I didn't even know which classes I needed to sign up for. I racked my brain trying to remember what I hadn't finished in the previous semester but to no avail.

I think that was the straw that broke the camel's back and woke me up. I was safely tucked away in my bed. But it took me several seconds before I remembered that I had, in fact, graduated this past semester. Perhaps my mind is trying to tell me that it misses college life. Alternately, I could just be slipping further and further down the crazy train.

The Piebald Penguin on day 1 of his college career
~The Piebald Penguin