A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Desperate Gambit

Here's a sneak peek from my from novel. Note, it hasn't really been edited yet because I haven't had the time. So, there are probably some grammar errors and what not (don't hold it against me, I've been busy!)

“Evie! We need to go. Now!” Layne spun and dropped to one knee, narrowly avoiding the thick shaft of wood that swooshed over his head. He rolled to the side, dodging the man’s backswing. Layne shouted in frustration and anger as his dagger flashed momentarily before it disappeared into the other man’s thigh. A man’s scream of pain and the clatter of a dropped weapon joined the cacophony of battle. Layne pulled the slender blade from the man’s collapsing body and turned back towards Evie. “Evie, now can we go? We need to get out of here before more guards show up.”

Evelyn stopped rummaging through the oak chest and glanced around the room. She did a quick count in her head. “Thirteen. A bit few, huh? And here I thought you were enjoying the opportunity to play the ‘knight-in-shining-armor role and killing everyone for me.” Layne flinched and took a step back. He cast his eyes on the ground before replying meekly, “You know I can’t control it. Ah, so much blood. What have I done? What have I become?”
“Layne, calm down, I was only teasing. Thanking for coming back for me. But I really need to find that book. I saw Drogan throw it in here the last time he had me brought up here…” Evelyn turned back to Drogan’s storage chest.

Layne was in the process of voicing his opinion of her when the scuff of a boot and the twang of a bowstring announced the presence of another. Layne’s head snapped around as time slowed to a stop. Adrenaline, powered by the blood of the Wardens, enhanced his perception of the situation. He could see beads of sweat hanging from the guard’s furrowed brow. Dust particles were flying in all directions away from the released bowstring and the arrow seemed to be driving a wedge between air molecules. As he prepared to jump out of the way, Layne calculated the trajectory of the air. Something was terribly wrong. It was the set in the man’s gaze. Hatred, yes, but also familiarity. And then Layne understood his mistake.

The bowman was not aiming at him. The arrow was streaking straight towards Evie’s unprotected back. There was not time for thought. Layne’s legs acted out of instinct, hurtling his body towards his oblivious companion.

Time slammed back into normalcy in an explosion of sound, chaos, and pain. Layne’s lanky form smashed into Evie just as she exclaimed, “I found it, La- ooff!” Evie was flung across the room, a bewildered expression on her face and a small, leather-bound book clutched tightly in her hand. Pain lanced through Layne’s body, as the deadly arrowhead dug into the muscle of his shoulder. Layne pivoted and sprinted towards the doorway and the guard beyond. Anger fueled the adrenaline-induced frenzy. With inhuman speed and grace, Layne leapt over the inert bodies of the slain guards and landed mere inches from Evie’s would-be murderer. Not even bothering to reach for the gleaming blade at his side, Layne struck the guard in the chest with his open palm. A loud crack accompanied the strike, as the man’s sternum cracked and crushed the soft, vital organs beneath it. The guard, like a puppet whose strings had been cut, crumpled to the ground. Lifeless eyes stared back at Layne.

Layne’s eyes flicked up at the sound of heavy, booted footfalls on stone. He stepped back from the corpse at his feet and rested his hands on the hilt of his sword as yet another guard come around the corner. Layne found the moment to be, oddly, surreal. The guard raised his voice and his weapon and charged down the narrow corridor. Layne’s slow, steady heartbeats measured time like a drum on a parade ground. He filled his lungs with air that was pregnant with the stench of death. The guard’s boots pounded the floor in rhythm with the beat of his heart. Layne blocked out all sound and closed his eyes. He heart sent firm vibrations throughout his body. He focused on the ripples of motion that were emanating from his advancing adversary. The time was finally right.

His eyes snapped open, his hands ripped the Harbinger from its jewel-encrusted sheath. In one fluid motion, Layne, a silent guardian, lifted the silvery blade into the air and swung it down across the man’s exposed neck. Metal cut flesh and bone with equal ease as the blade descended in its deadly arc. The man’s head, freed from its bonds, sailed into the wall and fell to the cold stone with a wet thud. Blood from the headless neck drenched Layne’s face, before the body teetered to the ground. Silence engulfed Layne. Pain overwhelmed him. The battle fury fled from his body, like a rat fleeing a sinking ship.

Tell me what you think!
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