A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The One Where We Talk About Motivation

I've started reading the newspapers again. One issue with me reading the papers arises from my need to later stand up on my soapbox and rail against the stupidity that is humanity. So, the last couple of days, I had intended to blog about all the horrible wrongs that were being committed, like Jared Loughner being declared unfit to stand trial, but I decided against lashing out at our broken justice system. For some reason, reading the papers always motivates me to write. A fun fact about The Piebald Penguin: he formerly hated writing with a passion. It wasn't until my senior year of high school that I had the first inclination to "just write". I had read the day's newspaper before going to bed. I couldn't fall asleep that night. Around midnight, I rolled out of bed, found a notebook and a pen and began writing. I wrote for a couple of hours before I was finally drained enough to sleep. That was my first experience with "inspiration". It comes and it goes, but it always leaves me feeling good. Like I've finally lifted a great burden off my back.

In other news though, both my application and my roommate's application have been received by the apartment manager. She said that we should know by tomorrow if we were approved or not. In the event that we are approved, we've got a U-Haul truck lined up and are ready to pack our meager belongings into it for the long trek to our new home. I'm hoping that we do get approved because, while it's been nice to be home and spend time with family and old friends, I'm definitely ready to start the next adventure that life has to throw at me. Smiley.

~The Piebald Penguin