A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The One Where We Learn Where the Piebald Penguin Has Been

The Piebald Penguin is back...from outer space...yes. I know, I know...you've all been waiting on the edges of your seats for me to get back to blogging. And now I'm back and better than ever! Seriously. I'm a better person as a direct result of last week. I walked across a stage, shook an old guy's hand and received a little blue cardboard thingy that will eventually hold a little piece of paper that says that society excepts me for who I am. Also, that little piece of paper apparently means that I am qualified to begin looking for a job. For those of you who are still sitting there scratching your heads and wondering what I'm talking about, I just graduated from college. It was pretty epic and exciting and sad. Yes sad. But really happy too.

Funny story. Yesterday, I was sitting in room, doing absolutely nothing productive, when I had a really bad feeling. It was one of those, "Oh, crap. It's late, and there's something due tomorrow...I just don't remember what..." feelings. I'm sure that, at some point in your lives, you all have felt something like that. And I freaked out for a couple seconds trying to remember what I'd forgotten to do. Then I remembered that I had just graduated college and definitely didn't have anymore homework. Ah. Such a good feeling.

Along with graduating, I'll be leaving the city that my college was in and moving to a brand new city. I say brand new because it is neither where my family lives nor is it where I've lived the last four years. It's going to be an exciting experience...I hope. The experience thus far has been suitably fraught with worry and wonder as I try to figure out where I'm going to live and what I'm going to do. Since I'm moving, I have to pack up everything that is currently in the room that I'm staying in now. Whenever I pack, I always go through a process.
Step 1: Sift through the mental debris and clean out all the old memories
Step 2: Sift through the papers that are scattered around my room
Step 3: Get rid of as much of trash that's around the room
Step 4: Pack the clothes in suitcases and the non-clothes into boxes and bags

I'm currently on step 1. It's amazing how many memories I have of the last year. Sometimes, I have a memory that I don't ever want to get rid of. These moments are the extremely rare, please-let-time-stop moments in time. Over the last four years, I have had exactly 4 of these moments. It's a moment in time in which I have the clarity to realize that it's something that I want to never let go of. While there are lots of times that are fun and exciting and memorable, there are very few times that I wish to freeze time. The reason I bring this up is that the most recent of these moments happened at graduation just this past Friday.

Anywho, this is just a little update on the life of The Piebald Penguin as he begins the next stage of life.

~The Piebald Penguin