A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Local Current Event

It rained in my city yesterday. A lot. Well, ok so compared to some places, the rain wasn't that bad. I think the weather people measured 6 inches of rain. Which is a fair amount of rain. It was certainly enough rain to make some of our streets impassable, knock over giant oak trees, destroy walls, flood libraries, cause mayhem, and make my campus's wonderfully diligent security force scratch their heads in puzzlement. That's right folks. The men, who were expected to pull it together and make sure that the campus did not sustain too much damage from the water, wandered around aimlessly, helping no one and saving nothing. The drains in front of the campus library got stopped up due to leaves clog them. That allowed the water to pool outside the library. We discovered that our walls are not a good barrier against water. The water simply seeped under the walls and soaked the carpets. We called security and asked them for help. They said they didn't know what to do. We asked them, specifically, if they had sandbags, or something to block the flow of water. They were almost positive that they couldn't help us out. So, the library tanked the water like a pro...


The brand new carpets are in the process of being dried. The carpet people told us that there wouldn't be any stains. Fingers crossed.


Emma Anne said...

Oh no!! Poor books and new carpet. Hopefully you don't float away in all that water.

Sarahohcontrara said...


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