A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I have no idea what's going on here.

It's about time I told you about the last of my siblings. You've met Bom Bom and Emma Anne (and her husband Superman!). Now, I'd like to introduce you to my brother, Wafflepanzer (No. I refuse to explain that name. Accept it.). The Piebald Penguin is, in fact, the youngest of four siblings. It explains a lot...I know. But enough about me.

My brother and I are often competing with one another. There is a rivalry between us when we play computer games. Frequently, our friendly competitions devolve into pointless shouting matches (I win, naturally). We pick on each other, we harass each other, and we, generally, try to leave the other at a disadvantage.

However, we have a lot of similarities (we are brothers, after all). We both enjoy computer games...not just playing them. We enjoy reading about the latest and greatest games, reminiscing about old games, and, essentially, just about everything that deals with them. They are a major part of both our lives. As such, there are times where we find common ground and get along really well together. I enjoy these times immensely. It's because of this common ground that I have memories of standing around in the wee hours of the morning talking about the newest computer game or the best strategy for an existing game or just things that would make a game great. We are not twins, but I understand Wafflepanzer extremely well. I've always been closer to him that anyone else has. I know what makes him tick. It can be so refreshing to have a conversation with someone like that.

This was probably the best Christmas present...ever. It was a book on etiquette by Emily Post.

~The Piebald Penguin