A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Memoirs of an Insomniac: 10

I was having a really bad day at work today. It's not that I was performing poorly (well, I was perhaps operating sub-optimally, but even so, I know that I am still better at my job than most people who work there), but I was troubled by everything tonight. What I mean is that it seemed that everything and everyone were out to get me and were hell-bent on getting on my nerves.

About halfway through my shift I stumbled upon the issue (rather, I stumbled upon what I perceived to be the issue, although my perception may or may not be accurate). The issue at hand is this: I miss my family. Now, those of you who know me will say, "Well, of course you miss your family, Piebald. You live more than 1500 miles away from them and have only seen them once in the last six months. You've probably been missing them for a while now." To which I reply that yes, I do miss my sisters and mother and father and brother and my niece and nephews and brother-in-laws. But this feeling was something else. Because I was yearning to be with the "family" of sorts that I have up here. There are three of us in our little family: Goraxypox, Sleeping Beauty, and myself. We may live in two separate homes, but we usually spend a fair amount of time together. However, this week, our schedules have been at odds. So, I come home from work late at night to a quiet house. Goraxypox leaves the hallway light on, when he goes to bed, so that I can see when I come through the door. Sleeping Beauty works in the mornings now, so she is also slumbering in the comfort and safety of her own home. Thus, I sit, staring at my computer screen, typing on a keyboard, waiting for my  laundry to finish, and missing my family.

I hope the hours of the night pass quickly; for I yearn to spend time with the people who make this world bearable.

~The Piebald Penguin

P.S. To anyone related to me by blood, I miss you all dearly as well and hope to see you all before the year ends!