A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Saturday, October 22, 2011


It is said that there are bosses and then there managers. Or something like that. That's what this post is about tonight. Managers and bosses.

They think they're so special...just because they make lots of money and get to boss people around....but I'm not jealous, nooo

So let's start with a funny story. Day 1: Orientation. It consists of watching lame videos about the workplace and signing forms that say the company owns you until they decide to fire you. It's a lame day, but you get paid to sit there so...sign me up! Anyways, so orientation had been going on for a couple hours at the point that this story takes place. So, I was bored, a bit tired (from all the hard work...lol), and stir crazy. We were covering the employee handbook when the manager finally got to the spot in the manual where it talks about blogging about the workplace. Being the overachiever that I am, I had already glanced at the contents of the manual and read this particular rule, so it had set my mind thinking. Basically the rule states that employees of this particular establishment can get fired for posting negative things on the interwebs about the company or its employees. Ok, but it seemed like they were implying that we just couldn't explicitly say negative things. But I have an anonymous blog, in which I pour out the frustrations and joys of life. Thus, when the manager brought up this rule, I asked, in all innocence and under the assumption that orientation is a time for asking questions and being free from judgment, if this rule covered anonymous blog posts. Obviously I didn't want to get fired if I posted something on my anonymous blog that could have been construed as negative by another individual. I'm a careful person. My manager just stared at me with a look of incredulity and one of the other new employees blurted out, "What kind of a question is that?!?"

Folks, look. This is the problem with people today. They open the floor for questions, and then they judge you based on which questions you ask. The girl who couldn't keep her mouth shut asked, later on, if she was allowed to wear her hair in a side ponytail as opposed to a normal one. That's a stupid question. But the manager answered her and didn't look down on her. I ask a question because I want to clarify, what I thought to be, a murky rule, and I got looked down upon, as if anonymous blogging was something obscene. Seriously. Well, guess what? I'm going to keep it anonymous, but I'm going to vent on my blog. FREEEEEEEEEDDDOOOMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (of speech) lol

P.S. Don't tell my boss...