A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Update #4351.43

The Piebald Penguin finally found an apartment to rent in the Big Apple! No, I don't mean New York...a different big apple. Come to think of it, I don't even know why people call New York City a "Big Apple", it seems silly. (Not that I will ever understand the way East Coast people think. They are all weird.) The only big apple I know about is the one that hit Isaac Newton in the head allowing him to become famous by inventing gravity...or at least proving it...alright the apple probably really just led him to further his research into optics, but we still love the guy. Smiley. Regardless, The Piebald Penguin is heading off to Seattle, where he will start his new life as a single, unemployed male, who's not in college anymore. (ladies if this is your type...contact President Obama. He'll get the message to me...)

If you're sitting in your chair wondering why this post seems different from the others (i.e. more ellipsis and parentheses than normal), then it's time to let you in on a secret. The Piebald Penguin got pretty sick this last week. Nothing life threatening, I hope, but I had a high fever for several days with no apparent cause. It's my belief that the fever has been finally broken and crushed by the stalwart defenders of my incredibly potent immune system. I was, however, left with a very weak body, which means that moving will potentially be difficult to say the least. I'm hoping that I can finally get some restful sleep now that I don't have to worry about delirium-induced dreams. The only cause of this strange malady that I can come up with is that after four years of abusing and pushing my body to the limits, it finally just wasn't strong enough to handle any more punishment. But that's just speculation.

Stay cool,
~The Piebald Penguin