A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The One Where We Countdown From 10

The Piebald Penguin graduates from college in 10 days. As such, I will be counting down the days with memories from the last 4 years.

Hello Kitty

This memory comes from last year during an exciting class known as Modern Geometry. The class name is ironic because most of the semester was focused on learning about the history of geometry. Really, the class should have been named "How geometry came to be as awful and annoying as it is now." Our professor required us to have a compass and a straight-edge for class. We used these to construct angles, shapes, and lots of other fun things. However, of the three of us in the class, only one person had a compass. I was not that person. Thus, Soccer Girl and I found ourselves in a store looking for cheap compasses and rulers. Now, if you've ever looked for school supplies, you would know that cheap means limited function, plastic, and tacky colors. Soccer Girl decided to be boring. She picked a rather plain color (I think she got a green compass, but, to be honest, I could be wrong about that...I just know it was boring). I wasn't willing to be so boring. I went straight for the purple compass and pink protractor. I figured, it's for a math class, so I need as much excitement as I can get. We pulled out our compasses the next day in class. My professor took one look at my compass and said, "Oh, look. It's a Hello Kitty compass." He's a 6'8'' giant. And he made a Hello Kitty reference in class. Win. Smiley.

~The Piebald Penguin