A shattered mind in a broken body fighting for survival

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Proof of President Obama's American Citizenship

A couple of people have asked me what my thoughts on the issue of President Obama's birth certificate are. Since this is such a controversial issue, I have decided to go ahead and add my opinion to the millions out there. The issue was brought up by President Obama himself at a press conference today. If you would like to hear his thoughts on his birth certificate, the link to that video is here. Yes, it is a link to youtube. However, c-span posted it there and placed a link to the video on their site in the description box. Therefore, it is my belief that this video is real and true (why anyone would believe otherwise is beyond me, but I figured that I should start there).

Alright, so what follows is The Piebald Penguin's personal opinion of President Obama's citizenship.

The birth certificate in question is real, tangible, and valid. The proof will be by contradiction.
Let's assume that his birth certificate is a forgery.
This implies that either he had it forged, or the forgery was a plan by the Democrats to win the Presidency by using a charismatic, controversial man.
Case 1: He forged it.
Many people attempt to gain access to the benefits of American citizenship. This would be just one more case of this. This particular man decided to go into politics for whatever reason (wants to change the world, likes the power, etc).
He runs for the Presidency, knowing that if his real citizenship is ever uncovered, he will be publicly shamed, removed from the Presidency, and a pariah.
Being that he is a controversial Presidential nominee, he will undergo even more scrutiny than is usual. He still decides to run.
At this point, the Grand Old Party, as part of their mudslinging campaign uncover the forgery. (This is an assumption on my part. I assume that they would uncover the forgery because politicians and reporters have plenty of money, time, and resources to figure things like this out. Furthermore, it is in the GOP's best interests to remove Obama from the Presidential race, as he is the greatest threat to their candidates)
The GOP discovers the fraud and delivers incontrovertible proof before Congress and the Supreme Court.
Obama is then removed from the Presidential race and McCain/Palin win the election (ok, that was a joke...who knows what would have happened).

Case 2: The Democratic Party is responsible for forging Obama's birth certificate.
While this case is less likely, it is still possible.
Assuming that the Party forged the documents, the GOP would probably have a slightly harder time discovery the forgery. (The reason being that the Democrats also have ample resources, time, and money)
However, the forgery is eventually discovered. For argument's sake, let's assume that this happens after his second year of being President.
With the knowledge that the President's birth certificate is a fake, the GOP brings incontrovertible evidence of the forgery before Congress/Supreme Court.
Obama is immediately impeached and removed from office.
Joe Biden assumes the duties of the President until the next election.

Both of these cases in contradiction because Obama is still President.
Therefore, I believe that President Obama's birth certificate is real, true, and valid. QED.

I apologize for the slightly abstract nature of the proof. I'm a math major, and that's how my mind works. : )
However, I would like to draw your attention to the timing of President Obama's speech. He has now focused the entire nation's attention on this issue. If you remember back a couple weeks, there was a lot of negative press in regards to the budget plan (or lack there of). It is the opinion of The Piebald Penguin that Obama is choosing to draw attention away from this issue in hopes that it will increase his approval ratings. At least, that's my take on this whole matter. Comment down below with what you think.

~The Piebald Penguin